Ways to Reduce Production Costs and Save Money Over New Designs

Nothing is more vital than ensuring that your manufacturing unit is making profitable income, and cutting costs where you can is one of the easiest methods to do so. It may appear simple to design without limitations, but by identifying the most cost-effective ways to minimize costs in garment design and product development, you’ll find that the savings mount up quickly. The use of high-quality industrial sewing machines also helps you to get long hours of work at low power consumption. 

Do you want to live a frugal lifestyle?

Here are a few pointers to help you get started on your way to a full wallet and a line of created apparel you can be proud of –

  • Simple designs – Simplify your garment designs to make production easy for the factories. Complex fashions with a lot of technical aspects take longer to make, but a plain t-shirt doesn’t require as many processes. Printing, buttons, and embroideries all increase the quantity of work required, and as a result, expenses climb. Keep in mind the need for a quality sewing tool {commercial sewing machine} so that the fabric is safe from any kind of mechanical damage. 
  • Choose the fabric/sewing machines that are easily available in the market – Enquire with fabric suppliers and/or the factory about the types and quantities of fabric that are continually replenished. You won’t have to buy more fabric for reorders than you need because you’re afraid it won’t be available if you use these fabrics. And there’s a bonus: you won’t have to wait long for reorders to be filled! Try to keep a track of the latest brand of industrial sewing machines available in the market. Make sure that the after-sales service and spare parts availability is up to the mark. 
  • Try to limit color variations – The higher the costs, the more colors you add (even one more color can treble your costs – ouch!). Limit yourself to two colors if this is your first manufacturing run. Although this may appear insignificant, there is a great deal to handle and juggle, especially if the product is available in multiple sizes. Two colors per style or product is a good rule of thumb. Remember that less is more; too many options will turn shoppers away. Allow them to try on your most expensive clothing and gradually expand as you gain their trust.

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