The Ultimate Fashion Guide: Sustainable Fabrics

It’s difficult to know what to look for when shopping in a sea of fashion styles. When it comes to determining what is and is not sustainable, there is a lot of ambiguity. Is organic synonymous with long-term viability? What about repurposed materials? It’s difficult to say! We’re here to clarify the air for all of our fashion and environmentalists. It is also seen that with branded industrial sewing machines, professional sewers can create good fashion choices for their clients.

We’ve compiled a fashion guide of the top sustainable fabrics to look for when shopping – 


This long-lasting fabric has been used for generations. Linen has been discovered in Georgia caves dating back 36,000 years. Egyptians also placed high importance on it. It was so valuable that it was utilized as cash, as well as for mummification and funeral shrouds. The issue with linen is that it isn’t simply for garments. Fabrics for beds and baths, furniture, novels, and more are all made with it. Linen is made from the cellulose of the flax plant, and it grows without a lot of water or chemicals. The quality of the linen is crucial, so the entire plant must be pulled up or cut very near to the base. They then remove the seeds to use the fibers from the plant.

Linen is also biodegradable, and it does not require fertile soil to thrive. It can grow almost anywhere, unlike many other crops!

There is no waste because every component of the linen plant is used. Used linen can also be recycled into paper and automotive insulating components. This fabric is not only eco-friendly, but it is also light, absorbs moisture, and does not harbor bacteria! It’s light and airy, and it only becomes softer with each wash. Linen appears to be a winner in the ecological fabric category!

Recycled cotton

Cotton is difficult since it requires a lot of water and chemicals to grow. Organic cotton is a little better, but it still uses a lot of water.

Cotton that has been recycled comes from both consumer and industrial sources. Factory pre-consumer scraps account for the majority of the total. Post-consumer scraps are also used, however, due to the numerous color dyes, they are much more difficult to filter through.

Because the companies aren’t beginning from scratch, this cotton needs far less water and energy to create. It’s also repurposing all of this cotton that would otherwise end up in a landfill and is already colored, saving money and chemicals.

Recycled polyester

While conventional polyester is rather unsustainable, requiring large amounts of chemicals and water, recycled polyester breaks down the material and repurposes it using PET, a chemical used to make polyester. Because PET is the same substance as transparent plastic water bottles, water bottles are gathered and the process of turning them into yarn begins. The water bottles are broken into little fragments after being collected.

To make yarn, the little chips are heated and squeezed through a spinneret. This technology utilizes up to 53% less energy than traditional polyester production. Repurposing existing polyester reduces C02 emissions by up to 75% and eliminates the need for new petroleum, resulting in a lower overall carbon footprint. This method saves electricity and keeps textiles out of landfills.

The wonderful thing about polyester is that it does not degrade in quality when recycled. This means that both virgin and recycled polyester have the same strength, durability, and utility. It can also be recycled multiple times without losing quality, establishing a closed-loop and making this a particularly sustainable fabric. Professional hands can create miracles by using high-quality industrial sewing machines to create fashion blends from recycled polyester. 


We believe that what goes on in your body is equally as essential as what goes in it. When it comes to purchasing, information is power, and knowing which textiles help rather than harm the environment is a start the right way. We hope that this information regarding sustainable materials will assist you in stocking your closet with environmentally friendly, long-lasting clothing. 

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