The Cost of Fabric in Real Terms

Fabric is one of the most significant components that determine how much the finished product will cost in the textile industry, which is a worldwide commodities chain. Cotton picking, spinning, weaving, and finishing are all processes in the textile manufacturing process. Over 45 million people in India rely on the manufacturing industry for their livelihood. 

To properly comprehend the production of fabric and its costs, you should be aware that there are several parameters involved, which may be divided into direct and indirect expenses. There are also expenses related to the purchase of high-quality industrial sewing machines.

Let’s understand the cost of raw materials used in manufacturing hubs

  • The price of raw materials – It makes 60% of the total cost of the manufacturing hub. Let’s understand the terms – 
  • GSM – The weight or GSM (grams per square meter) of the fabric reflects the amount of raw material required to produce it. As the GSM of the cloth grows, so does the price. When the yarn is very fine, however, the expense of spinning and weaving outweighs the importance of GSM. As a result, even though the GSM is comparable, the cost of fabric made with finer strands is higher.
  • The count of yarn used – The price of yarn is determined by its count; the finer the yarn, the higher the price. Combed yarns are more expensive than carded yarns because yarn realization is only approximately 70% due to the removal of short strands, whereas carded yarn realization is almost 80%. Combed yarns are those with a finer count than 40. The cost of sizing is also determined by the yarn count. Because better quality size and chemicals are necessary for improved strength as the count goes finer, the size and chemical cost rises.
  • The types of fibers used – The price of fiber will be determined by the type and quality of fiber. Cotton, linen, wool, silk, rayon, nylon, polyester, polyester-cotton blend, and other fibers are examples. Good quality tools [commercial sewing machines] also help to stop fiber wastage. The size of the material and dyeing cost also matters. 
  • Weight – Dyeing lighter weight fabrics is less expensive. This is because the machine’s capacity is represented in the weight of the material, so when dying lighter weight fabrics, more length of the material may be treated at once, lowering dyeing costs.
  • Shade – When it comes to cloth color, the lighter the color, the lesser the price. This is due to the fact that the amount of dye used and the processing time required are both reduced. Dying pastel colors, for example, takes an hour and a half longer than dyeing black and burgundy shades. The price of dying is also determined by the type and quality of colors used. 
  • Length and Width – They are directly proportionate to the fabric’s length. A minimum of 2000 meters of fabric must be dyed for commercial dyeing. Fabrics with a broader breadth are preferable to those with a longer width. The cost of processing does not increase when the fabric width is doubled. This is because the cost of running the material is determined by its length rather than its width.
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