title The Art of Material Sourcing

The Art of Material Sourcing

You’re at the perfect stage of finishing your clothing design before sending it to the manufacturer to be made. We are aware of how immensely exciting this step is, but be careful not to get ahead of yourself. By the time you contact the factory for the first time, you must have ready-to-use fabrics, labels, hang tags, and trims. Additionally, before manufacturing can start, manufacturers who don’t handle product development will require you to have extra resources like samples and a tech pack. The professional sewers also work on quality-grade industrial sewing machines to provide you with the best designs. 

title The Art of Material Sourcing

The availability of raw material – You can determine whether a style is worth developing and ordering the materials for by determining whether it will be timeless, if it is about to hit the catwalk, or if it is close to retirement in the wardrobes of fashionistas. But that’s not the only thing to consider; particular fabrics can be more expensive or difficult to obtain, especially when it comes to printed fabrics. Although they are far more difficult to obtain, prints with continuity will cost less to buy than to have them professionally made. Meet with a fabric provider to discuss their inventory so you can decide what will work best for you, your business, and your budget.

Quality – Avoid cutting corners and always use the best materials offered in your market and at your price point because the quality of your clothing says a lot about your brand. Although it may appear that going with the less expensive alternative will save you money, you won’t be saving money if it ends up costing you lost sales and higher repair costs for your clothing.

Stay competitive – Being unique and selling it is the only way to stay competitive in the fashion market. There will be less competition in your industry the more distinctive your clothing is. Create mood boards and vision boards to help you identify and actualize your ideas and voice as a designer entrepreneur. These will help you determine what makes you unique and what you want to accomplish with it.

Evolve with times – Being unique and selling it is the only way to stay competitive in the fashion market. There will be less competition in your industry the more distinctive your clothing is. Create mood boards and vision boards to help you identify and actualize your ideas and voice as a designer entrepreneur. These will help you determine what makes you unique and what you want to accomplish with it.

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